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Getting Started With TRISA

Welcome to TRISA

The Travel Rule Information Sharing Architecture (TRISA) is a global, open source, secure, and peer-to-peer protocol for Travel Rule compliance. TRISA helps Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs) comply with the Travel Rule for cross-border cryptocurrency transactions.

Step 1 – Determine Envoy Implementation. Envoy is TRISA’s encrypted P2P messaging service that helps compliance teams securely exchange originator and beneficiary information for cross-border digital asset exchanges. Envoy is designed to be accessible, flexible, and secure. Operators have three implementation options:

Option >> 1. Open Source/ DIY 2. One-time Implementation 3. Managed Service
Description Envoy is open source (MIT License). Download, install, integrate, host and support your own Envoy node and service. Rotational will install and configure your node for your environment while you host, maintain, and support the node on an ongoing basis. Rotational will install, configure, host, maintain, and support your node. Includes dedicated, provenance-aware node with regional deployments.
Best For Operators that want maximum flexibility and control to customize and have the technical resources to integrate with their systems Operators seeking a balance between cost & convenience, with professional implementation ensuring a robust setup without the ongoing costs of managed services. Compliance teams seeking a turnkey solution with minimal effort while leveraging expert support & maintenance for sustained regulatory adherence.
Est. Time 3-6 months 2-3 weeks 3-7 days
Cost USD $0.00 USD $2,500 (one-time) USD $375.00/ month/ node (6-month min commitment)
Next Steps

Step 2 – Join TRISA’s Global Directory Service (GDS). The GDS is a network of trusted VASPs and members. Any market participant with a legitimate business purpose can join TRISA. Most operators start by registering for Testnet x.509 identity certificates at no cost. It takes 2-5 business days to complete the validation process. Once verified and ready to move to production, operators can submit to join TRISA’s Mainnet, also at no cost.

Depending on the implementation option and GDS registration, Envoy can take as little as 3 business days to implement with the managed service or 3-6 months with the open source implementation.

Learn More: From “The Basics” to “Working with Secure Envelopes”

TRISA has created a brief guide to help operators, regulators, compliance officers, and technical implementers understand how TRISA’s messaging protocol works. Learn how to become a TRISA-verified VASP, along with member benefits and responsibilities. Please send feedback to [email protected].

TRISA is an open-source framework to support VASPs in sharing sender and receiver information to comply with Travel Rule requirements without compromising privacy. By applying a proven Certificate Authority (CA) model, TRISA reliably identifies and verifies VASPs to enable interoperability and ensure Personally Identifiable Information (PII) stays private and not sent to the wrong entity. The peer-to-peer design eliminates a single point of failure and provides resilience against attacks and scales to accommodate extreme volumes. VASPs and financial institutions can immediately begin using TRISA to comply with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) requirements as well as Travel Rule guidelines.

The guide is divided into seven segments:

  1. The Basics
  2. Getting Certified
  3. Member Benefits
  4. Member Responsibilities
  5. Global Directory Service
  6. Working With Secure Envelopes
  7. Additional Resources

Get to Know TRISA

The complete guide is available for download via SlideShare. The videos are hosted on TRISA’s Youtube channel. Each video covers one segment of the guide. Videos are 2-6 minutes in length, depending on the topic.

View & Download Guide on SlideShare

Getting Started With TRISA

View the playlist on Youtube

TRISA Youtube Channel

Additional Resources & Support Channels

After learning about TRISA, we encourage you to access additional resources and take the next step.

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